What Is Windows 10X — Everything That We Know So Far
Windows 10X is one of Microsoft's most interesting projects. Get to know it with us.
Windows is Microsoft’s safe bet in the world of operating systems. Currently, its latest version, Windows 10, is the most widely used desktop operating system in the world. Its market share is already around 40%, surpassing Windows 7, which is close behind. In any case, Microsoft dominates with an iron fist in this field. In this article, we’ll help you know what is Windows 10X, what is it for, and what we know about it so far!
Of course, this does not mean that the American company is not trying to make inroads in other markets. It has already tried with Windows Phone, which would later be called Windows 10 Mobile. Also with Windows RT, a version for tablets and cell phones that only supported the use of applications downloaded from the store. And, more recently, with Windows 10X. What do we know about the latter? What exactly is it and what is it for?
What Is Windows 10X?
To simplify the answer, Windows 10X is an operating system focused on two-screen devices. However, we should not see it as a new operating system. The reality is that its development is based on Windows 10. Therefore, what Microsoft has done is to add the necessary components to support devices with very unique features, such as the Surface Neo.
We should see Windows 10X as a much lighter version than the original development, Windows 10. Again, those in Redmond want the applications to be installed on this operating system to come from a secure source, namely the App Store. This will also allow it to be much more efficient than the current Windows for desktops. The X in its name refers to “(e)Xpresion”. This way, we are not in front of redundancy, since it is read Windows Ten Equis.
What Is Windows 10X For?
It is true that we have already pointed out some of the uses of Windows 10X, such as the possibility of using it on devices composed of two touch panels. But, that is only the beginning. Microsoft wants Windows 10X to become the evolution of Windows 10 and to be present on devices of all types, unifying all its platforms into one.
It should be noted that this development eliminates a large part of the legacy components of Windows 10. With this move, Microsoft leaves behind backward compatibility and makes this operating system truly modern. Reportedly, it has also leveraged part of Windows 10 Mobile to bring this new version to life.
The heart of Windows 10X is Windows Core. On this would run various shells that would adapt the operating system to each device. We can see Windows 10X as one of these shells, along with Oasis, for mixed reality devices, Aruba, for interactive whiteboards, Scarlett, for consoles such as the Xbox, or Kiosk, for the Internet of Things. Obviously, Windows Core, on Windows 10X personal computers, will be one of the most versatile operating systems in Microsoft’s history.
Here’s All We Know About Windows 10X
Since it was presented in October 2019, some interesting details about Windows 10X have been appearing that are worth reviewing. In the following sections, we tell you about some of the most outstanding ones.
Single-screen Devices Will Also Enjoy It
Although the initial idea was that Windows 10X would land on devices with two touch screens, it will finally land first on traditional laptops and tablets. This move has a certain logic to it since dual-screen devices are not yet ready for mass-market release.
It Runs Much Smoother Than Windows 10
It is true that Windows 10 is a relatively fast operating system. But some animations do not look quite fluid or, at the very least, well finished. The drawbacks arising from this fact seem to disappear in Windows 10X. In some leaks, like the one you can see in the tweet embedded above, you can see how Windows 10X has a very fast interface, more similar to what we know in the mobile world than on the desktop.
Its Interface Will Achieve Consistency
One of the most recurring criticisms of Windows 10 is that its interface is not consistent. This means that, while we have modern elements within the system, it also retains some elements inherited from the earliest versions of Windows. Because Microsoft has decided to banish many of the legacy Windows components in this new version, the interface of the X variant will be more consistent, minimalist, and easier to use.
Universal Applications And Web Applications Will Be The Protagonists.
The company’s idea is that all software will be obtained from the app store. This was already what Microsoft proposed in its previous version, Windows 10 RT, and it didn’t work out too well. All in all, nowadays the apps from the store will come along with the progressive web apps. Thanks to the increasingly deep integration of Microsoft Edge with PWAs, the user will have the ability to install Google Maps, YouTube, Pinterest or Twitter. All, without the need to go through the store and with native elements of the operating system, such as notifications.
Window Management Changes Radically
What we have seen so far of Windows 10X in reference to the management of windows is that these can be kept in three possible positions: maximized, anchored to the side of the screen, along with another application, and minimized. Thus, Microsoft eliminates the possibility of windows floating freely on the desktop and the user deciding where to place them.
Will Windows 10X Replace Windows 10?
At the moment, Windows 10X has not officially reached the market. Therefore, today we cannot say that it is the replacement for Windows 10. After all, it is a system much more similar to ChromeOS than to the traditional Windows we all know. We also do not know if it will have the same fate as Windows RT. Do you think Microsoft will make Windows 10X a success? Let us know what you think.