
What is Default Router Login User/Password

As we are all aware of every device, which is connected to the World Wide Web, has an associated IP Address, also known as Internet Protocol Address. Now, IP Addresses can be both public as well as private. In our case, the IP Address is a private IP Address and is the default IP Address for certain routers, especially routers from D-Link and Netgear.

What Differentiates a Public IP Address from a Private IP Address?

Our PC or Laptop, when connected to the internet, has a unique public IP Address associated with it which is provided by the Internet Service Provider (ISP) of whose services we are using. This public IP Address has to be unique over the complete internet.

Now, coming to Private IP Address, the router which we are using has a private IP Address which is permitted to be used only on private networks. There is no need for this IP Address to be unique as, any external entity from the private network, cannot see this IP Address.

A private IP Address, however, cannot access the internet on its own. The connection needs to be made via an ISP. For accessing the internet you first connect to your router which in turn connects to the ISP and thereafter the ISP connects you to the internet.

192.168.O1 Router Login Password | Router Login Password 19216801

Undoubtedly, the default login name and password will be different for a different manufacturer. The key to accessing network is provided to you by your network administrator itself. The following are the default usernames and passwords for different router manufacturers:

ManufacturerIP AddressUser NamePassword
TP Link192.168.0.254adminadmin/password
D – Link192.168.0.1adminadmin

TP-Link/ Netgear/ Asus Wireless Router Login Using

For accessing an administrator panel for different routers that work on; you need to do router setup and connect the respective router to your PC/ Laptop via a cable.

Once connected, you don’t need to do anything special other than launching your web browser and typing in the address in the URL address bar.

Upon hitting ‘Enter’ a small pop-up window will appear, just below the address bar, which will demand username and password for granting login access.

If you are unaware of your login username and password then you won’t be able to log in. Upon entering the correct username and password; the homepage for the respective Router will be visible.

I Can’t Access! Unable to Login to! What to Do?

In rare cases, the cable which you are using for connecting your router to your PC/ Laptop is not up to the mark and is of poor quality thus lacking the ability to make a proper connection. In such a case, you need to change the cable and your problem will be solved.

However, if upon inspection of the cable, it is alright and you are unable to recall the username and password for your router, we have provided a table of default username and passwords for different router manufacturers above. Try the username and password provided there. Otherwise, you may contact your Internet Service Provider as well for getting the required help.

Can We Reset Router Having IP Address as

Now, this is a common question asked by many. Well! The answer is ‘Yes’ you can do that. There will be a reset button present on your router. Please press and hold the reset button for about 20-25 seconds until all LED lights, which are blinking in front of the router, blink all at once together.

Great! You have successfully reset your router. Now it will be using the default username and password which we have provided to you in the table above.

I Want to Change My Router’s Password! How to Do it?

Changing your router’s password is not difficult at all. All you need to do is to follow the below-mentioned steps:

  • Please navigate to Advanced Settings in your router login home page.
  • From there please select the option of admin password.
  • Once inside, you can find a Change
  • Yes! You are right! Hit on the Change option and enter the new password which you want to keep your router.
  • Once you are satisfied with the password, please tap on Save Settings.
  • Congratulations! You have successfully changed the password on your router.

What are the Different Advantages Associated With IP Address?

The IP Address has got several advantages associated with it which are outlined below:

  • Since this is a private IP Address it doesn’t require being unique for two different networks. Hence two different users who belong to different networks can use the same IP Address.
  • You don’t require different DHCP Servers or Switches while making use of this IP Address.
  • Also, through this IP Address itself, the functionality and various tasks of your router can be managed by you.

This article should help you access admin settings on your router. Sooner or later, you might need to access the router settings, there are plenty of things that you could with that. Like you can block certain users, content and control bandwidth and more. We hope that readers would find this tutorial helpful.

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