How to Counter Every Champion in League of Legends: Tips and Tricks
Have you ever felt completely outmatched in a League of Legends game? Maybe you got stomped in lane by a champion you didn’t know how to play against. Or maybe you were destroyed in a team fight by a champion you had no idea how to counter.
Don’t worry, it happens to everyone! Countering champions is a crucial skill in League of Legends, and it can make the difference between winning and losing. But with over 160 champions in the game, how can you possibly learn to counter every single one?
In this guide, we’ll share tips and tricks on how to counter every champion, regardless of your role or experience level.
Understanding Champion Counters
Before we dive into specific counters, let’s understand what we mean by “counter.” A counter pick is a champion that has a natural advantage over another champion. This advantage can come from a variety of factors, such as:
- Hard CC (Crowd Control): Champions with stuns, roots, or silences can easily shut down certain opponents. For example, Nautilus can hook and lock down champions like Ahri or LeBlanc, who rely on mobility.
- Burst Damage: Champions with high burst damage can quickly kill squishy targets before they can react. Zed is a classic example of a burst champion who can easily delete AD Carries or mages.
- Sustain: Champions with strong sustain can outlast their opponents in lane through healing or shields. Soraka, for example, can make it very difficult for champions like Caitlyn or Draven to poke her down.
- Range: Champions with longer range can harass their opponents from a safe distance. Caitlyn can easily poke down melee champions like Darius or Garen.
- Mobility: Champions with high mobility can dodge skillshots and engage or disengage from fights easily. This makes them difficult to counter for champions with slow or predictable abilities.
By understanding these different types of counters, you can start to identify which champions are strong against others.
General Tips for Countering Champions
- Do Your Research: Before the game starts, take some time to research your opponent’s champion. Learn their strengths, weaknesses, and common item builds. This will help you understand how to play against them.
- Adapt Your Playstyle: Don’t play the same way against every champion. Adjust your playstyle based on your opponent’s strengths and weaknesses. For example, if you’re playing against a high-burst champion, you might want to play more cautiously and avoid unnecessary trades.
- Itemize Accordingly: Build items that counter your opponent’s abilities. If you’re playing against a heavy AD (Attack Damage) champion, build armor. If you’re playing against a heavy AP (Ability Power) champion, build magic resist.
- Communicate with Your Team: Let your teammates know what you’re up against. If you’re being countered hard, ask for help from your jungler or support.
- Play to Your Strengths: Don’t try to outplay your opponent at their own game. Instead, focus on playing to your strengths and exploiting their weaknesses.
- Consider Using a Proxy: In some cases, using a LoL proxy service like 벨베스팀 can help you gain an advantage over your opponent. A proxy can improve your ping and reduce latency, which can be crucial in reaction-based matchups. However, be aware that using a proxy to gain an unfair advantage is against the game’s terms of service and can result in disciplinary action.
Specific Champion Counters
While it’s impossible to list every single counter in League of Legends, here are some general tips for countering popular champions in each role:
Top Lane:
- Against Bruisers: Pick champions with strong sustain or disengage abilities. For example, Ornn can counter Darius with his Brittle passive and ultimate, while Fiora can parry most of Darius’s abilities.
- Against Tanks: Pick champions with high damage or percent health damage. Vayne can shred tanks with her Silver Bolts, while Trundle can steal their stats with his ultimate.
- Against Mages: Pick champions with high mobility or magic resist. Yasuo can windwall many mage abilities, while Malphite can jump on them with his ultimate.
- Against Early Game Junglers: Pick champions with strong early game dueling or counter-ganking potential. Lee Sin can outduel many early game junglers, while Nunu can counter-gank with his snowball.
- Against Farming Junglers: Pick champions that can invade and steal their camps. Kha’Zix can easily isolate and kill farming junglers, while Graves can out-duel them with his burst damage.
Mid Lane:
- Against Assassins: Pick champions with hard CC or strong disengage abilities. Lissandra can root and stun assassins, while Galio can taunt them with his ultimate.
- Against Control Mages: Pick champions with high mobility or burst damage. Zed can easily dodge control mage skillshots and burst them down, while Fizz can outplay them with his Playful/Trickster.
Bot Lane:
- AD Carry Counters:
- Against Hypercarries: Pick champions with long range or strong disengage abilities. Caitlyn can kite and poke down hypercarries, while Ezreal can Arcane Shift away from danger.
- Against Draven: Pick champions with hooks or all-ins. Thresh or Blitzcrank can easily punish Draven’s positioning mistakes.
- Support Counters:
- Against Enchanters: Pick champions with hard CC or engage tools. Leona can lock down enchanters with her Solar Flare, while Nautilus can hook and root them.
- Against Tanks: Pick champions with poke or magic damage. Zyra can poke down tanks with her plants, while Brand can burst them down with his combo.
Countering champions in League of Legends is a complex but rewarding skill to master. By understanding the different types of counters, doing your research, adapting your playstyle, and communicating with your team, you can significantly increase your chances of winning.
Remember, there’s no single “best” counter for every champion. It depends on the specific matchup, the current meta, and your own playstyle. But by following these tips and tricks, you can become a more versatile and effective player who can counter any champion you encounter.
So, next time you’re faced with a tough matchup, don’t panic. Do your research, adjust your strategy, and play to your strengths. With the right approach, you can turn any disadvantage into an advantage and achieve victory on the Rift.