
11 Best WhatsApp Groups Tricks of 2022

WhatsApp is a constantly evolving App. With the latest updates of the messaging application, there are several tricks that may seem simple but that millions of users don’t know. Do you want to know what they are? We give you a list of the 11 best tricks for WhatsApp groups so that you can be a master in the art of instant messaging.

If you want to get the most out of your WhatsApp, discover the 11 best tricks for WhatsApp groups that we bring you below. Keep reading!

11 Best WhatsApp Groups Tricks of 2022

1. Can we avoid being added to WhatsApp groups?

We have all gone through the moment when we are added to a WhatsApp group without our permission. But now you can avoid it with a new WhatsApp feature that we found in the latest update and that you’re going to love. Let’s start with the tricks for WhatsApp groups!

How to avoid being added to a WhatsApp group?

Little by little, the WhatsApp App is changing its functionalities to improve the user experience. The latest update, which has already reached Android and iOS users, allows you to define who can add your contact to a WhatsApp group. We’ve all experienced the moment when we’ve been made a member of a group we don’t want to join without being able to avoid it. In this trick we help you define this new WhatsApp feature!

To avoid being added to an unwanted WhatsApp group, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Settings or Settings menu (depending on whether your phone is iOS or Android) in WhatsApp.
  2. Choose the option ”Account” and then click on “Privacy”.
  3. Click on ”Groups” and, once inside, you can choose one of the App’s three options:
    1. “All”,
    2. “My Contacts”,
    3. “My Contacts, except…”.

Which of the WhatsApp options should I choose?

That’s up to you. The WhatsApp App gives you three possible options to decide who can or cannot add you to a WhatsApp group:

  • “Everyone”: in this option, you are giving permission for anyone to add you to a WhatsApp group. And when we talk about anyone, we are even talking about strangers.
  • “My Contacts”: with this option, you prevent strangers from adding you to WhatsApp groups by giving permission to your contact list.
  • “My contacts, except…”: within your contact list, you can choose the people you don’t want to be added to WhatsApp groups.

What happens when someone I have blocked tries to add me to a WhatsApp group?

When you block someone with this new WhatsApp feature, you remove their permission to add you to a group chat. When that person tries to add you, they will receive a message informing them that they cannot add you to the group and they will also receive an invitation “link” to send you in case they want to join the group.

2. How to block or unblock a WhatsApp contact?

Within WhatsApp, you can block any contact or even phone numbers without having them saved as contacts. What you may not know is that you can see, within the same application, the list of blocked contacts in case you want to resume contact with someone. To do this, simply :

  1. Go to “Settings”.
  2. Click on “Account” and “Privacy”.
  3. Click on “Blocked”.

Here you will see a list of blocked numbers where you can leave them as they are or unblock them. How do I unblock them?

  1. Simply click on the number in question.
  2. This will open a screen on “Contact information”.
  3. Here you scroll down and click on “Unblock contact” and you’re done.

3. How can I hide my profile picture and/or status?

When you have too many contacts, it is normal that many times someone adds you to their list without you knowing who they are. WhatsApp also allows you to decide who can or cannot see your status and photo. It’s as simple as this:

  1. Go to “Settings”.
  2. Choose your “Account”.
  3. Then go to “Privacy” and “Statuses”.
  4. Here you have 3 options:
    1. “All contacts”,
    2. “Only some” or
    3. “All contacts except”.

Choose the one that suits you best and make sure who may or may not know the details of your profile picture and status.

4. How to free up space on my device using WhatsApp?

How many times does your phone tell you that you are running low on storage space and to delete data? Don’t give it a second thought, because WhatsApp also helps you delete information you no longer use from your device. How?

  • Click on “Settings” or “Configuration”.
  • Go to “Data and Storage”.
  • Click on “Storage Usage”.

WhatsApp lists all your contacts and which ones take up the most data on your phone. Choose the contact you prefer and delete what you want (you can choose various options from photos, Gifs, etc…). Very important! If you don’t want to lose the information of that contact, before deleting anything, make a backup copy!

This way, even if you delete the information from your phone to have more space, you will always have it saved in case you want to see it again (we explain how to make a backup copy below in related articles).

5. How do I make sure no one around me listens to my audio files?

This is one of the simplest WhatsApp tricks and is already used by many customers, although many others don’t know it. Do you want to listen to an audio that you have just sent but you don’t want anyone around you to know about it? Very simple, press play on the audio and hold your mobile to your ear as if you were going to talk on the phone. This way, the only one who will hear the audio will be you and no one else.

6. How can I create a group where only a few people talk?

We often create groups on WhatsApp just to share important information. So that this information is not scattered with the comments of the group members, you just need to follow these steps:

  1. Go into the WhatsApp App (with or without a group created) and create or access the group you want.
  2. Within the group, click on “Group Info”.
  3. Go to “Group Settings” or “Group Settings”.
  4. Two options appear here:
  5. “Send Messages to the Group” and
  6. “Edit Group Info”.

If you click on “Send Messages to the Group” you can choose who can send messages, everyone or only administrators. If only you are the administrator, others will not be able to share information within the group.

7. How to write in bold, italics or strikethrough?

How many times have you wondered how to write in different formats in WhatsApp and you don’t know how to do it? Very easy, with these three tricks you will be able to write and highlight messages in Bold, Italics or Strikethrough:

  • Italics: just put an underscore at the beginning and at the end of the text, for example hello would be hello.
  • Bold: do the same but with asterisks, e.g. hello would become hello.
  • Strikethrough: only change for hyphens, e.g. ~hello~ would become hello.

Simple, isn’t it?

8. How to use GIFS in chats?

Nowadays, we also want to communicate through images and WhatsApp knows it. How can you do it?

Upload them directly from your image gallery to a chat. If you have it saved, you can upload it to the chat you want, it’s as easy as that.

Got a video and want to make a GIF for a chat? WhatsApp lets you edit it too. Just choose the bit you want and select the GIF option before sending.

By choosing the keyboard in your app, when you select the “sticker” keyboard you have the GIF option, where you get several options that you can send.

9. How to use stickers in groups?

As you know, stickers are the latest trend for messages in chats. If you want to create fun and different stickers to send to your friends in the group, you have to:

  1. Download the free app “Sticker Maker”, available on both Google Play and the Apple App Store.
  2. Create a new sticker pack.
  3. Take or upload a photo.
  4. Crop the photo and save it.
  5. Add to WhatsApp.

This way you will have fun and personalised stickers to use with your friends. If you have any doubts, in this video from “TechEmpty” we explain how to create them.

10. How to hide the time of your last connection or the reading confirmation?

There are times when you can’t answer messages that arrive because you are working, in meetings, etc… If you don’t want your WhatsApp friends to think that you don’t want to talk to them or you don’t want them to see the double blue check, follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to “Settings” or “Settings”.
  2. Choose your “Account”.
  3. Click on “Privacy”. You will be given the option to choose “Who can see my personal information” or “Last seen”: Everyone, your contacts or no one.
  4. Select the one that suits you best, but keep in mind that when you hide this information from a contact, you won’t be able to access their information either. Just as if you select “no one”, no one will be able to see your information but you won’t be able to see anyone else’s either.
  5. To deactivate the reading confirmation go to: “Settings” > “Account” > “Privacy” > “Read confirmation“. Here you can activate or deactivate the option so that they can see it or not. Remember that if your contacts can’t see your double blue check, you won’t see theirs either.

11. How to invite a contact to join a group?

Do you have a group or are you going to create a WhatsApp group for your contacts? Now you can create it through invitations. How?

  1. Go to the group you want to invite.
  2. Go to “Group Info” and just before the list of contacts you have the shortcut “Group invitation link”.
  3. Click and choose which of the options you prefer. You can send or copy the link or simply share the QR code.

That’s it! These are some of the best WhatsApp group tricks you can start using right now. Remember that you need to have your WhatsApp application updated so that you can access these features.

If you have any questions on how to do this, leave us a comment and we’ll be happy to help – remember!

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