
Tips for Collecting Phone Numbers for Marketing

Digital marketing is working wonders for businesses these days. While most businesses have been leveraging techniques like SEO and email marketing, it’s been proven you can achieve more with live calls and mobile marketing. Taking this path opens up a direct channel, thus it’s a great idea since it often yields higher conversions compared to paid ads or well-crafted emails.

The most challenging part about this, however, is usually gathering the phone numbers. There will always be challenges, from potential customers who get their numbers wrong unintentionally to those who intentionally register the wrong numbers because they aren’t comfortable sharing their personal details.

So, then, what tips should you use to collect phone numbers for marketing?

1. Leverage Polls and Surveys

You may think that polls and surveys just serve the purpose of helping you collect various types of information, but they do a lot more. In addition to equipping you with detailed information that will guide you in making the right decisions, they can also give you access to potential customers’ phone numbers without seeming quite intrusive. This makes it easier to build a rich contact list, with customers who are more than likely interested in what you have to offer.

Make sure you also utilise bulk phone number validation tools and other customer data enhancement and enrichment tools to ensure your contact databases and any other information you collect is as accurate as it can be.

Also, don’t forget to use clear and concise questions that are relevant to your target audience. You will also have to choose the right solutions to promote these polls and surveys such as social media, your website, customer receipts, email, and others.

2. Arrange Competitions and Contests

Most customers love freebies, which is why contests and competitions are a preferable way to get your customers’ numbers. This will, of course, only work if you’ve got attractive prizes that make it worthwhile for your target audience to participate. Just like with polls and surveys, you also have to promote competitions and contests to increase interest from potential customers. Some of the best marketing channels for this include email campaigns and social media. You can even use posters and flyers to promote them in physical locations.

3. Use Mobile Apps

Your business’s mobile apps are also an amazing way to gather phone numbers. You only have to integrate the collection tool or feature within the app and use specific solutions to incentivise the users to share their phone numbers. Some of the solutions you can use for this reason include, but aren’t limited to:

  • In-app prompts such as discount codes and entry into prize draws which ask for a user’s phone number
  • User registration (encourage users to provide their phone numbers during registration for easier communication)
  • Profile updates (remind users quite often to update or even add their phone numbers, if they haven’t)
  • Loyalty programs (create a loyalty program that rewards customers if they have signed up using their mobile numbers)
  • Interactive features like SMS-based verification for transactions and others that require phone numbers

4. Get Phone Numbers When Interacting With Customers

There will always be ideal chances when you can ask customers for their phone numbers. One of them is when customers contact you for support, during post-service surveys, or during live chats. For this to work, you will need to not only educate your customer support team on the importance of collecting accurate phone numbers but also how to explain to customers why their phone numbers are important to your business.

Since most customers have the notion that businesses collect user phone numbers for marketing you will have to mention the additional benefits of having your customers’ numbers, such as offering real-time updates on orders, sending exclusive offers, and more. Overall, they should know that giving you their phone numbers will enable you to enhance their experience with your brand.

Use Trestle to Create Your Contact Lists

It goes without saying that your customers’ phone numbers are vital to your business, as long as you acquire them legally. Not only do they help you understand your customer base better, but they also make it possible to verify each user to avoid security risks and other issues.

Trestles makes the process of collecting and adding phone numbers to your contact lists easier through verification, validation, and enrichment tools. Visit to learn more. Also, never forget to obtain potential customers’ consent before acquiring or sending promotional messages to their phone numbers.

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