
Top 5 Intelligent Automation Technologies to look out for in 2023

Intelligent automation is one of the most revolutionising technologies that help drive the world toward development and innovation. This combination of robotic process automation and other technologies is what contributes to our day-to-day lives since it’s included in almost anything we do, from using texting apps to managing robotic gas pumps. 

Automation has plenty of benefits for businesses, especially because it can lower operating costs by saving on the labour and energy expenses and can minimise material waste. Therefore, it also improves worker safety since employees don’t have to put themselves in danger anymore because automation is doing most of the tedious work. Overall, automation technologies can increase productivity and efficiency with minimal environmental impact, which is something all companies should strive for. 

Let’s see what automation tools will thrive in 2023. Will these expected trends make a significant change this year? 

man in blue crew neck t-shirt standing beside woman in orange tank top

Collaborative robots 

Collaborative robots, or cobots, are simply robots created and designed for interacting with humans within a common space, which means they are able to operate when near other people. Until now, official authorities recognise two main types of robots:

  • Industrial robots are intended to be used in automation services within an industrial environment that, for example, help automate or transport materials in a building;
  • Service robots that are perfect for domestic and professional purposes, such as information robots for public spaces;

Cobots are excellent for the automotive industry, electronics and technology, metal and machining, and more. Automating the most complex processes can help with consistency and higher work quality while also helping employees avoid repetitive and dangerous tasks. 

Many opportunities allow cobots to work alongside humans as there are four levels of collaboration between them. There are also standards and guidelines already provided regarding working together and risk assessment rules exist so that robots couldn’t control dangerous machinery, replacing humans. A few companies have already started using cobots within their automation processes, such as ABB, KUKA, and Universal Robots. 

Augmented intelligence 

Augmented Intelligence is considered to be an upgraded version of Artificial Intelligence (AI). This automation technology is based on machine learning and deep learning methods so that people are able to use it. Alexa and Siri are the perfect examples of augmented intelligence since they provide the data you need when required. 

For big data companies, this improvement means an easier workflow because it allows scientists to get a solution to handling vast amounts of information. Some current use cases or augmented intelligence include the following:

  • Using data analysing for online stores to predict customer preferences and trends;
  • Identifying treatment solutions by evaluating medical case files;
  • Creating augmented reality events for mobile video games;
  • Managing aeroplane and drone autopilot systems;

Augmented intelligence applications are highly beneficial for manufacturing industries because they remove the possibility of misinterpreting data or including bias possibilities. The medical field could also implement augmented intelligence and artificial intelligence processes more because they can provide accurate data-driven decisions. 

Servo motors 

Servo motors have been here for a while, but due to technological advancements, they’ve been one of the best improvements in the automation industry. The servo technology comprises electromagnetic devices that convert electricity into motion (linear or circular). Although they’re used mainly for industrial purposes, the pharmaceutical and food service industries also need this automation technology. 

servo motor is undoubtedly better compared to the traditional DC motor because it allows for better control and more precision. At the same time, they are highly efficient and provide a high output power relative to their size. Servo motor technology is widely advantageous for the following use cases:

  • Robotics applications 
  • Machine tools 
  • Conveyer and handling systems 
  • Antenna positioning 
  • Simulation applications 

Servo motors are also excellent for replacing old technologies used in harsh environments, such as equipment provided in oil and gas industries. The agriculture industry is also in need of such automation technology since the sector deals with labour shortages. But implementing servo motors into the mobile equipment processes would help continue harvesting operations even during severe weather conditions. 

Natural language processing 

Natural language processing (NLP) uses artificial intelligence and machine learning processes to provide machines with the ability to read human languages that would help them take certain actions. In automation technology, NLP is used for customer review analysis or support ticket classification. These applications are designed to analyse:

  • Structured data, including invoice processing, insurance claim handling, or contract analysis;
  • Semi-structured data, which ultimately helps automate existing business processes and reduce costs;
  • Unstructured data, which includes actions like customer review analysis or support ticket classification;

The advantages of NLP in automation include reduced costs, improved customer service, and increased efficiency. Companies should adopt NLP within their business processes also because it provides better data accuracy, which is a challenge for companies, especially since data overload is increasing. 

Robotic process automation 

Robotic process automation is what drives these technologies. RPA is usually known for being used in operating and managing software robots, which can adopt a similar behaviour to humans when interacting with other technologies, such as software systems. Some real-life examples of RPA include the following:

  • Data transfers. RPA can automate huge volumes of data from one system to another, saving time and reducing human error;
  • Processing payroll. RPA solutions can extract information from different types of inputs and then perform the entire payroll process;
  • Customer complaints. RPA software can deal with customer complaints at any time, resulting in improved customer experience and better customer retention levels;

The benefits of RPA help companies by:

  • Boosting productivity by increasing a team’s capacity for completed work by up to 50%;
  • Improving efficiency to generate saving by reducing costly errors and increasing per-employee output;
  • Achieving accuracy goals with 100% error-free data within the automation process;
  • Improving business with data security due to well-developed and maintained platforms;

Bottom line 

Automation Technologies are to be included in more business processes because they help eliminate the main cause of inaccuracy: human-drive actions. Although not reducing the importance of humans at work, these solutions can co-exist with people to provide the best results to worldwide industries. 

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