The Benefits of Online Fax Services
When it comes to running a small to medium business in this day and age, the owners are so focused on growing their companies and increasing sales that they overlook the importance of faxing. Yes, faxing may seem like an outdated form of technology, but it is still relevant and necessary in the workplace.
When it comes to faxing nowadays, conventional fax machines are certainly beyond their time. However, the same cannot be said for cloud-based fax services that rely on the internet. Thanks to innovation and changes in technology, faxing has been modernized, while keeping its beneficial features. These days, you could simply use a Fax App to receive and send faxes right from your phone too!
Why Pick an Online Fax Service?
As mentioned above, online faxing does not use traditional phone lines. Instead, it allows you to receive and send faxes of any document electronic wise. You can send faxes to other parties’ fax machines using e-mail, without the need to get a fax machine. That being said, let us take a look at some of the benefits of online fax near me.
1. Affordability
Most if not all online fax service providers have a trial period, usually, 30 days, during which you get to test their services and then pay a certain fee if you are happy with what they have to offer. Most of these services cost between $10 and $50 per month. On the other hand, when you purchase a fax machine, you pay between $150 and $300, not to mention the additional costs of paper, toner, ink, maintenance, phone lines, replacement parts and electricity consumption.
All you need to do to get an online fax service is sign up on the website by completing a simple form and your payment information. Also, you will get a wide array of fax numbers to pick from and so, there’s no additional cost. You will only have to fat a small monthly fee for the fax service.
2. Convenience
Other than being affordable, online faxing is way more convenient. As mentioned earlier, you won’t have to get a huge and clunky fax machine that you have to maintain. In addition, after you sign up and connect the fax service to your email, you get to send and receive important documents from any place with internet connectivity. You won’t need to be on a fax phone line and all the documents will go to the connected email address.
3. Security
With faxes being sent through the internet to your email, enjoy added security and won’t have to worry about prying eyes. In addition, you will have the option to only print out the documents you want staff members to see.
According to Google Online Fax, another security element of online fax services is the built-in encryption system like OpenSSL that protects your data. Conventional faxing uses unsecured phone lines which makes it less secure.
4. Organization
When you have numerous faxes coming in, it’s particularly easy for your business to become disorganized. In addition, it is easy to lose papers and forget to make back copies. However, this is not an issue with online faxing. With these services you can automatically back up documents to the cloud, ensuring you always have them at hand.
Not to forget how frustrating it can get to through piles of paper to find that important document for a meeting, presentation, invoice or account. Online fax services also allow you to save the documents on your computer or flash drive.
5. Digital Signatures
Faxes are still essential in this day and age because of signatures. More often than not, faxed signatures have more legal standing than signatures sent via other means. Online fax services give you the opportunity to use personalized digital signatures.